Slip Road Works of Orvieto completed by Ceprini Costruzioni Company

Twenty trucks to test the new bridge. On 26th November 2016 the static load proofs have been made on the metallic structure plank of the new bridge on Paglia River at the “Slip Road” of Orvieto. The tests have been coordinated and directed from the tester Ing. Cristiano Aliberti and helped by Prof. Luigino Dezi, full Professor of the chair of Building Technologies and Bridges Construction of the Polytechnic University of Marches in Ancona, in the presence of public works’ councilor of Orvieto Municipality Mr Floriano Custolino, the site engineer Ing. Mauro Brustenga and Programme Director Ing. Roberto Sacco.

During the tests, lasted for all the day, using simultaneously twenty loaded trucks placed by the Contractor, they have executed tests in all the strict conditions in terms of static resistance and deformations control. The structural reaction was excellent, beyond the planning expectations.

In the light of the excellent reaction and consequently the static testing Certificate that will be written by Ing. Cristiano Aliberti, the Joint Venture made up Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l. (group leader), Alto Soc. Coop. (man) and Gruppo Biagioli S.r.l. (man), has finished the site activities expected in the contract.


We are glad and so proud of having delivered the road – engineering works in the scheduled times, that has a high importance for Orvieto and its territory.
With the static load proof on the new bridge on Paglia River, preparatory at the final testing Certificate, Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l. has officially complete the works. The new bridge is a fundamental connection between Orvieto Scalo and Ciconia, and will be strategic for the hospital facilities. The company hopes that soon as possible, it can be available providing a service, for the territory and population.
The Slip Road still needs a few works that are not referable to Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l., and the municipality administration has just high on its agenda.

Ceprini Costruzioni is working in the laying of a second track of the railway line Pistoia – Montecatini Terme. Watch the video.

Technical visit of CIFI – Order of Engineers of Pistoia Province – in collaboration with R.F.I. S.p.A., at Serravalle Pistoiese’s three sites, to deepen several aspects of the one of the most important infrastructural works of the moment, regarding the whole MURGIA (R.F.I. S.p.A.) national railway network: this is the first site chosen as Anac monitoring.

Ceprini Costruzioni is the group leader of the joint venture that are realizing the laying of a second track on railway line Pistoia – Montecatini Terme, on the line Firenze – Viareggio on behalf of R.F.I. S.p.A. – Italian Railways. The works are expanding along a course of 12 kilometers, where will be constructed bridges, overpasses, viaducts, but the most significant work is the realizing of a new tunnel of Serravalle Pistoiese. A work of high engineering project that will be create on a track of 1.670 meters the will cross sideways the hill, where is situated Serravalle Pistoiese, by a lake side. The perforation has started, and the works are going on in accordance with the scheduled operations, it will end within 4 years with a site that has been open 12 months ago. For this contract 163 million Euros were placed.
On May 12th, the new tunnel of Serravalle Pistoiese in which Ceprini Costruzioni is involved with around 55 workers, has been visited by CIFI (College of Engineers), section of Florence Order of Engineers of Pistoia Province. Moreover, in collaboration with R.F.I. S.p.A. in the person of Mr. Efisio Murgia, Territorial Manager of Firenze, the visit has been coordinated on the three site. A particular attention has given to different aspects of the realizing tunnels’ works. Ing. Vincenzo Spagnoli, Site Engineer of Ceprini Costruzioni, explained the project’s details to all the engineers and Mr. Franco Ceprini, owner of the company from Orvieto, was there. The visit started from the main site around 1.5 kilometers from railway station of Serravalle Pistoiese: then, the delegation has visited the perforation’s entrance, a huge works of high engineering project. The other two steps have been visiting the tunnel’s entrance on the other side of the hill and a site in – between, where the operating machines are involved on excavation works and a new railway course creation.

48 hours for the construction of two new railway bridges on Bologna – Rimini line

Demolition, rebuilding and final inspection of two railway bridges with train passing in just 48 hours. Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l., a company from Orvieto, protagonist again of the high speed works, until 200 km/h, of Italian Railway lines. After 4 bridges realized on September 2016, the company of the owner Mr. Franco Ceprini, in the past weekend had again put in to effect professional competences on the line Bologna – Rimini, when it has worked at the realization of two new railway bridges in just 48 hours. Everything developed under control of Italian Railways S.p.A. (R.F.I. S.p.A.), with the coordination of site engineer Gianluca Nestovito (R.F.I. S.p.A.), and Ing. Vincenzo Spagnoli (Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l.). Works of disassembly and rebuilding of the planks, on which lean the railway infrastructure, has been started in the night between Friday 19th and Saturday 20thMay and they ended before midnight on Sunday 21th 2017. In this lapse of time, the line included between km 21 (Prati bridge) and km 27 (Rio Sabbioso bridge), that is among Castel San Pietro and Dozza (Bologna), has been incapacitated to trains circulation. That has allow to the 160 technicians, R.F.I. S.p.A. and Contractors workers, that alternate each other day and night, proceeding with the bridges’ demolition before and then creating the basis for the planks reconstruction, ended by the Saturday afternoon. Afterwards, they can recreated the conditions for railways replacement, on Sunday morning, the sleepers’ rehabilitation, ballast and electric network. On Sunday afternoon, has been executed the stating tests on realized works. In the evening, the reopening of the line with the train’s circulation.
Especially involved the works in Dozza’s site, when they have reconstructed a non – linear bridge but rather, an oblique shape that has requested a high engineering installation’s project. The new bridges, have been realized on a site out of the railway line, and letting down with the aid of huge cranes of 350 tons. At the end of next June, Ceprini Costruzioni will be work for a similar project, always 48 hours of time, in the same railway line, few kilometers from Rimini.
With this kind of works, Franco Ceprini’s company is always a leader in the field of railway infrastructures in the national territory.

Video and gallery of the two sites:

The slip road of Orvieto a reality at long last

On 25th November 2017 the inauguration of the slip road and the new bridge on Paglia river; is an important moment for the inner road system of the territory around Orvieto. In particular between Orvieto Scalo and Ciconia area. Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l., group leader of the joint venture with Alto Soc. Coop. (man) and Gruppo Biagioli S.r.l. (man), is very proud for the realization of this huge road – engineering work. The new bridge from today, without any doubts, is a strategic connection to the hospital facilities.
Ceprini Costruzioni hopes that the branches to the highway tollgate and the one to the industrial zone, will be finished as soon as possible, solving definitely the traffic problem to Orvieto area and Sferracavallo.

First worldwide aid of backfit to a Railway Bridge in Poggio Renatico – photos and video




First worldwide aid of backfit to an existent railway bridge on the river Reno, applying the state – of – the – art technologies of suspension bridges. Executed on railway line Bologna – Padova, managed by R.F.I. S.p.A., near Poggio Renatico, on a bridge from 1860 and reconstructed after the bombing during the Second World War, in 1947. Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l., a company from Orvieto, realized this high civil engineering works using cement and steel. The consolidation project, developed by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A., will improve the safety conditions – as said before, the one worldwide – it has concern, in the specific case, the substructure formed by foundations, from the piers and the abutements, the bridge superstructures, made up by independent composite trusses. A complex and precise series of construction phases realizing reinforced works, both substructures and superstructures. In particular, the new support system, stiffening and consolidation of the decks, provide the installation of steel portals, where strands support the existing bridge, through a similar system used for suspension bridges. On the 15thDecember, this kind of work has been matter of convention, in the Great hall’s Faculty of Engineering in Bologna. The morning’s study was organized by CIFI – College of Italian Railway Engineers, with different speeches of Order of Bologna’s Engineers, President Ing. Andrea Gnaudi, the Headmaster CIFI section of Bologna Ing. Massimo Del Prete, Ing. Luca Cavacchioli (Production Territorial Manager of R.F.I. Bologna), Ing. Vincenzo Cefaliello (Manager of Engineering and Technology of R.F.I. Bologna), Ing. Gloria Imbroglini (Site Manager), Ing. Gianluca Nestovito (Engineering Supervision of Works) and Ing. Vincenzo Spagnoli and Ing. Alessio Curti of Ceprini Costruzioni S.r.l. From the University of Perugia, Ing. Paolo Petrella and Prof. Marco Mezzi, have interceded talking about the backfit realization of the works. During the opening of a speech, the greetings of Ing. Alessandro Paglianti and Claudio Lantieri. To be present in the Great hall, Mr. Franco Ceprini, founder of the company. At the works’ presentation there were students from the Facutly of Engineers and self-employed.